FALL 2021
My name is Jim Pollock with American Fundraising Group. We are a regional distributor servicing 15+ Southeastern States based in Johnson City, TN. Since I began the company in 1996, we have helped schools raise over $42 million in profits. Most of our schools do extremely well as we usually offer the strongest incentive program in the market. We have also invested in an outstanding online platform enabling students to raise funds beyond the traditional reach of a paper order form. Now out-of-state family and friends can conveniently support your students with a few clicks online! Our customers also appreciate the fact that we are a Southeast based company providing for outstanding local service. Below are some of the key marketing strategies that have allowed us to help schools run successful programs.
American Made
American Fundraising Group now ONLY sells 100% American made products! (Zero Imports!) Our flagship program, American Made, (click to see brochure) is receiving tremendous feedback for its’ patriotic design as well as being the first & only non-perishable food shopper with 62 items exclusively made in the USA! (including our Smoky Mountain Cookie Dough which is shelf-stable for 21 days under 78 degrees)!

Our new Webstore, www.AFGfundraising.com is offering all items for sale online for the first time, straight from our warehouse in Johnson City, TN. There are well over 100+ items available online, including wrapping paper, candles, tumblers & flower bulbs! This allows for out-of-state friends and family to shop for products while giving your students credit for all online purchases! Customers can choose whether to have products shipped to their home (Fedx charges apply) or straight to the school (no charge!) (*Browse w/ Code: gufjr) (* Approximately 20% of your sale will come from our Webstore.*)

Yard Signs, Mega Party Posters, & Krazy Kim "Fatheads"
We are also providing Yard Signs, Mega Party Posters, and Krazy Kim “Fatheads” for the front of the school reminding folks of our “Fundraiser in Progress” while directing them to our new Webstore! This improves local visibility about your fundraiser at no additional cost to you or your students!
Mega Party Prize Package
Our Prize Program is considered the absolute strongest in the fundraising industry. The “MEGA PARTY Prize Package” includes (8) Inflatable Rides, Money Wheel, Money Machine, DJ & Snow Cones plus our 33-Item Accumulative Prize Envelope, Top Class Awards, Teacher Awards and our Giant Plush Daily Drawings! Students will love our prizes and parties!
Kick Off Videos
We have recently produced (10) new Kickoff Videos and Daily Video Spots that can be used as a live assembly substitute and Daily Commercial Spots during your sale. The links will be listed on your Parent Letter and subsequent daily emails. You can view the Kickoff Video at: www.afgfundraising.com/megakickoff (Mega Party version) and the (Non-Mega version) at www.afgfundraising.com/prizekickoff. We make it easy to manage your fundraiser!

Smoky Mountain Service
All product is housed at our facility in Johnson City, then pre-packaged per student before being delivered to your school on our own trucks with our drivers on the exact date & time that you select. Our service platform is clearly second-to-none!
Sign Up Today!
We are strongly committed to making your fundraiser as stress-free and successful as possible, so we are happy to make any changes that will help benefit your school. As the national focus has been on getting small business back to work and kids back to school, we sincerely thank you for your loyalty and the opportunity to continue our relationship with you and your school while enabling our company to continue to serve our customers.
Jim Pollock, American Fundraising Group